Animated Swinging Skull

about me

my art

my photos

my friends

my cats



day 1 of a fully coded page! html is a little annoying to get a grasp but at least it's direct enough to actually get somewhere with enough time.

i haven't done a lot today, but i'm gonna play phas soon, so i'm pretty jazzed about that. hoping i can get the two ghost discovery achievements i haven't unlocked yet.


went christmas shopping. bought myself a studded belt at hot topic, got my brother some new snowboots to make up for one of my cats peeing in our dad's old ones.

plus i drove home through fog for the first time and it was NASTY, like it was thick as hell and we kept going through really dense patches. made it home in one piece though so we good


brother acquired for the holidays! heard some funny stories, he got to experience my jank ass driving. nothing has really happened since then but like. he is home. there is fun to be had.

we're gonna practice parallel parking tomorrow :)


we actually did not parallel park because i forgot my permit lol

my mom rented a tesla since we were splitting off into pairs for the day and the only win i will EVER give elon musk is that it was really smooth to drive. everythng else ranged from mild dislike to borderline hatred, like how centralized everything is to the massive fucking ipad in the center and how having to navigate through like 10 menus is more of a hazard than a tactile knob since it's holding your attention for more time than you could even have to react on the road, to the auto-brake when you stop accelerating only having one good use, to how if you didn't brake hard enough the car would roll in the opposite direction you were going. it's smooth to drive but i still found a ton of problems with it.

idk. still hate elon musk.